Текст песни
Broke, broke, broke phi broke (we ain't got it)
Broke, broke, broke phi broke (we ain't got it)
Broke, broke broke phi broke (we ain't got it)
Broke, broke, broke phi-
Leader: I've called this private meeting today because there is an imposter among us.
There is an imposter among us.
This brother right here has been out making beats on the side, yes he has.
Pretending he's broke walking amongst us.
This brother has been eating every day, can you believe that? Eating every day.
Pretending he's with us, he's not one of us.
I did not want to believe this, but I walked into the brother Kanye's closet and I found new shoes.
I found new shoes!
Kanye, would you like to step forward and explain these new shoes?!
Kanye:(stammering) I was-you crazy, I wasn't, I didn't, um, I was just um, I was-
Leader: No, you speak up, brother!
Kanye: I was gon' stick-I'm tryin to stick to my roots and-
Leader: What?
Kanye: I wanna stick to my roots, and-
Leader: What?! You march your new shoes out of here, Kanye.
Don't you ever come back in 'em. Don't you ever come back smellin' all good, taking showers and shit like that, all right? We don't appreciate that down here at Broke Phi Broke.
What's next? Другие треки
Все треки исполнителя
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/226364/album/170057 CARNIVAL (feat. Rich The Kid, Playboi Carti)
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/23788/album/158624 Lhotse
Kanye West & ZANDER -
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/1125/album/155673 GOD DID
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/23788/album/155657 True Love
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/23788/album/155648 Donda (Deluxe)
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/23788/album/155648 Donda (Deluxe)
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/791/album/153759 DRILLMATIC Heart vs. Mind
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/791/album/153759 DRILLMATIC Heart vs. Mind
The Game feat. Kanye WestHip-Hop -
True LoveXXXTENTACION feat. Kanye WestHip-Hop -
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/23788/album/147374 Donda 2
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/23788/album/147374 Donda 2
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/23788/album/147374 Donda 2
Другие альбомы
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Kanye West
Black Skinhead
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Need for Speed-Carbon
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The College Dropout
Kanye West
Kanye West
808's & Heartbreak
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My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
Kanye West
Watch The Throne
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Kanye West
Kanye West
Yeezus [Explicit Version]
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New Slaves
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606Black & Blue
385NIGHT 11
136Гурам Амарян - Про секс с училкой
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108Your Love Is Nowhere (Sean David Remix)
Jaytor -
143Сауле Юсупова - Про дальних родственников и отношения с мужчинами
Comedy Radio
Новые треки
Все треки
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https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/54147/album/171143 SMOKE THE PAIN AWAY
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