Текст песни
"Who'd-a guessed that Aquanette
Could start a fire with a single cigarette
She wasn't drunk, she wasn't stoned
Just sick and tired of wonderin' when he was coming home
So she drove around
She found his car
They heard a boom from in the bar
He called the cops
She called his bluff
They hauled her off in high heels and handcuffs
Crazy women, ex-wives and old girlfriends
Keep their crazy hidden till they're pushed off the deep end
Oh yea, God forgive them, they weren't born like this
Oh no, crazy women are made by crazy men
He told his friends she was depressed
Borderline bi-polar, bitch with PMS
Well he cheats and lies and then plays the victim
He don't know why they always seem to pick him
Crazy women, ex-wives and old girlfriends
Keep their crazy hidden till they're pushed off the deep end
Oh yea, God forgive them, they weren't born like this
Oh no, crazy women are made by crazy men
Some take a pistol, some take an axe
Boy if you feel the fire, you damn well bet she's got a match
Might be the teacher just down the street
The hairdresser or the housewife or the waitress that's so sweet
No you won't see it when you meet 'em
So be careful how you treat 'em
She might look just like me
Crazy women, ex-wives and old girlfriends
Keep their crazy hidden till they're pushed off the deep end
Oh yea, God forgive them, they weren't born like this
God knows, crazy women are made by crazy crazy crazy
Crazy women are made by crazy men
" Другие треки
Все треки исполнителя
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Kenny G feat. LeAnn RimesSmooth jazz -
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https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/238/album/80202 Christmas Duets
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https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/17245/album/65458 Whatever We Wanna
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/17245/album/65458 Whatever We Wanna
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/17245/album/65482 What A Wonderful World
Другие альбомы
Все альбомы исполнителя
LeAnn Rimes
Blue Альт-кантри
LeAnn Rimes
You Light Up My Life Альт-кантри
LeAnn Rimes
Sittin' On Top Of The World Альт-кантри
LeAnn Rimes
LeAnn Rimes Альт-кантри
LeAnn Rimes
LeAnn Rimes
LeAnn Rimes
Coyote Ugly Ost
LeAnn Rimes
Can't Fight The Moonlight
LeAnn Rimes
I Need You Альт-кантри
LeAnn Rimes
I Need You
LeAnn Rimes
Twisted Angel Альт-кантри
LeAnn Rimes
Twisted Angel
LeAnn Rimes
I Need You
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