Текст песни
"ou looked at me and my heart went astray
Gee, what a guy, that was all I could say
You turned around and I saw on you back
This funny word and it's letters were black
It seemed to me very misleading
Could not believe what I was reading:
Hell driver, hell driver
You are an angel in disguise
You are nice, you are no
Hell driver, hell driver
Would you still act the way you do
If I'd love you?
You took me out on your racing machine
Into a world where I never had been
I met the girls and the boys of your gang
You played your part you were talking their slang
But still your eyes couldn't mislead me
And so I try till you believe me
Hell driver, hell driver
You are an angel in disguise
You are nice, you are no
Hell driver, hell driver
Would you still act the way you do
If I'd love you?
Hell driver, Hell driver
You are an angel in disguise
You are nice, you are no
Hell driver, Hell driver
Would you still act the way you do
If I'd love you?
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https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/2476/album/40737 Time To Say "Good Bye"
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https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/2476/album/40737 Time To Say "Good Bye"
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