Текст песни
Don't look oown
They're making sorta crazy sounds
Don't look down no
Don't know who else came to kneel
On this empty battlefield
But when I hear that crazy s0und I don't look down
From central park to shanty town
I always hear that crazy sound
From new york to shanty town
There's always something else
Don't look down. no
I went this morning to the cemetary
To see old rudy valentino buried
Lipstick traces on his name
He never looked down
'cause they were making crazy sounds
From central park to shanty town
He always heard that crazy sound
There's always something else
Don't look down. no
When I see you standing there
I can't see the clothes you wear
I just hear that crazy sound
And I can't look down
I've always heard that crazy sound
From new york to shanty town
There's always something else
Don't look down. no
Don't look down
Ddn't look. don't look down
No I won't be bored I won't be there
Look at life it s no piece of cake
When I hear that crazy sound
I don't look down
From central park to sl-lantr town
I lways hear rhat crazr soljnd
Fiolq new rork to shanty town
There's always something else
Don't look down. no
Don't look down
Ddn't look. don't look down
" Другие треки
Все треки исполнителя
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/24240/album/108966 Free
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/24240/album/108966 Free
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/24240/album/108966 Free
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/24240/album/108966 Free
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/24240/album/108966 Free
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/24240/album/108966 Free
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/24240/album/108966 Free
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/24240/album/108966 Free
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Другие альбомы
Все альбомы исполнителя
Iggy Pop
In The Deathcar
Iggy Pop
Kill City (w. James Williamson) Панк-рок Глэм-рок Гаражный рок
Iggy Pop
Lust For Life
Iggy Pop
The Idiot
Iggy Pop
New Values [2000] Глэм-рок Панк-рок
Iggy Pop
Iggy Pop
Soldier (2000) Глэм-рок Панк-рок
Iggy Pop
Iggy Pop
Zombie Birdhouse
Iggy Pop
Iggy Pop
Iggy Pop
Brick By Brick
Больше каналов
803Stop For A Minute
Sandra -
242Send One Your Love
Boney James -
479Traveller Of The Seas
Kamal -
497Light N Fire
Basic Element -
0... -
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