Текст песни
"You look so pretty when you cry.
Don't wanna hit you but the only thing,
Between our love is a bloody nose
A busted lip and a blackened eye
You look so pretty when you cry.
Don't wanna hit you but the only thing,
Between our love is a bloody nose
A busted lip and a blackened eye
You're a little pistol
And I'm f*cking pistol whipped
You're a little pistol
And I'm f*cking pistol whipped
(Cock, cock, cock it)
When I undo my belt,
You melt and you walk away
With a red, red, red welt
Or so they say.
When I undo my belt,
(Cock, cock, cock it)
You melt and you walk away
(Cock, cock, cock it)
With a red, red, red welt
Or so they say
You're a little pistol
And I'm f*cking pistol whipped
You're a little pistol
And I'm f*cking pistol whipped
(Cock, cock, cock it)
I wanna have your ache
And beat you too
I wanna have your ache
And beat you too
I wanna have your ache
And beat you too
I wanna have your ache
And beat you too
You're a little pistol
And I'm f*cking pistol whipped
(Cock, cock, cock it) [x2]
You're a little pistol
And I'm f*cking pistol whipped
(Cock, cock, cock it) [x2]
(Cock, cock, cock it)
" Другие треки
Все треки исполнителя
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Marilyn MansonA$ap Ferg feat. Marilyn MansonHip-Hop -
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Whine N Go DownALEO & Marilyn MansonМумбатон -
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/19918/album/123515 The Nightmare Before Christmas Special Edition (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack/Japan Release Version)
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/19918/album/123501 Lest We Forget (The Best Of)
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/19918/album/123507 Valentine Disaster (International Version)
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/19918/album/123501 Lest We Forget (The Best Of)
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/19918/album/123498 Smells Like Children
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/19918/album/123494 God's Gonna Cut You Down
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/19918/album/64753 The Last Tour On Earth
Другие альбомы
Все альбомы исполнителя
Marilyn Manson
Portrait Of An American Family
Marilyn Manson
Antichrist Superstar
Marilyn Manson
Smells Like Children
Marilyn Manson
Mechanical Animals
Marilyn Manson
Sweet Dreams
Marilyn Manson
The Last Tour On Earth
Marilyn Manson
Holy Wood
Marilyn Manson
The Golden Age of Grotesque
Marilyn Manson
Lest We Forget: The Best Of
Marilyn Manson
Lest We Forget - The Best Of
Marilyn Manson
Lest We Forget
Marilyn Manson
Lest We Forget: The Best Of
Больше каналов
421Hollywood Affair
323Тряпки от кутюр (Colett Remix)
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