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L'Arc-En-Ciel - Snow Drop

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Текст песни
"You, a clear drop of water, and its lovely sound. It starts to ripple, shaking, wanting to shine, signaling the dawn of spring. The mystic spells of its awakening. On the other side of those crumbling walls, I was smiling softly in those days. Isn't it wonderful? Even the rusty, frozen time, never fails to tell this world when the morning will come. Yes, don't close your eyes. Look closely. I want you to see the white flowers of snow blooming even in the dead of winter. The clouds high up in the sky, unable to break free, splits apart With a whisper, the color of the frozen earth quietly changes. The birds' fluttering wings, the people's singing voices starts to echo, burning my chest And then, with a smile, the gentle scenery sinks under the neverending sky, and you were there, flown by the wind If the broken off tracks get patched by new colors a brilliant tomorrow will come alive. Isn't it wonderful? Even the rusty, frozen time, never fails to tell this world when the morning will come. We started to walk through the rain of warm snow as if it was blessing us, la la lu la la, la la lu la la It's almost as if you are wearing a white veil, isn't it? "
Новые треки
Все треки
  • Why Would You Be Loved
  • Teka
  • Мир
    Гио Пика & MIRAVI
  • To The Beat
  • Beast Mode (Knock You Out)
  • Seek Love (On The Beach)
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