Текст песни
"Lost in a lullaby
Side of the road
Melt in a memory
Slide in a solitude
Not 'til I can read by the moon
Am I going anywhere
Not 'til I can read by the moon
I blow you a kiss
It should reach you tomorrow
As it flies from the other side of the world
From my room in my fugitive motel
Somewhere in the dust bowl
It flies from the other side of the world
'I'm tired' I said
'You always look tired' she said
'I'm admired' I said
'You always look tired' she said
Not 'til I can read by the moon
Am I going anywhere
Not 'til I can read by the moon
Curtains stay closed
But everyone knows
You hear through the walls in this place
Cigarette holes for every lost soul
To give up the ghost in this place
Give me strength
Give me wings
" Другие треки
Все треки исполнителя
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/11335/album/162610 Balu
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/11335/album/47742 Little Fictions
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/11335/album/47743 The Best Of
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/11335/album/47742 Little Fictions
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/11335/album/47742 Little Fictions
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/11335/album/61540 The Take Off And Landing Of Everything
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/11335/album/1936 Build A Rocket Boys!
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/11335/album/1936 Build A Rocket Boys!
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/11335/album/1936 Build A Rocket Boys!
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/11335/album/1936 Build A Rocket Boys!
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