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Delete Records DELETE092 | 2015-05-14 Not since "Flowersz" has Roland Clark has written such an emotional soulful masterpiece. "I Know You" lyrically tells the story of a man stuck in the friend zone and desperately wanting to make the transition from friend to lover. Roland Clark voice brings us back to the days of when love was pure and not just all about the physical aspects of it but when a man stood by his woman through thick and thin no matter what. Vocally one of Roland Clarks best pieces because he pulls you into his story line by line note by note, and empathy will if not one of the first feelings you get when listening to this song will be one that stays with you long after the dance floor has emptied and filled back up all over again. Do not be fooled, this is def a peak hour tune that will no doubt be with us for decades to come
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