Текст песни
"You're gonna lively up yourself, and don't be no drag;
You lively up yourself 'cause reggae is another bag.
You lively up yourself, and don't say, "No";
You're gonna lively up yourself 'cause I said so!
Hear what you gonna do:
You rock so, you rock so, like you never did before, yeah!
You dip so, you dip so: dip through my door.
You come so, you come so, oh yeah!
You skank so, you skank so: be alive today!
You're gonna lively up yourself, and don't say, "No";
You lively up yourself, big daddy says so, y'all!
You lively up yourself, and don't be no drag;
You lively up yourself 'cause reggae is another bag.
What you got that I don't know?
I'm a-trying to wonder - wonder - wonder why you -
wonder - wonder why you act so. Yeah!
Hey, do you hear what the man seh?
Lively up your(self) - your woman in the morning time, y'all!
Wa! Keep a liv'lin' up your woman when the evening come
And take ya* - take ya - take ya - take ya-a-a!
Come on, baby! 'Cause I wanna be lively myself, y'all!
Lively up yourself;
Lively up yourself.
You want to rock so, you rock so:
You rock so, you rock so;
You dip so, you dip so;
You skank so, you skank so, and don't be no drag!
You come so, you come so, for reggae is another bag!
Get what you got in that bag!
What you got in de other bag you got hanging there?
What you say you got?
I don't believe you!
" Смотреть клип «Bob Marley - Lively Up Yourself»
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