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Слушать бесплатно Roly Poly

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Your dangerous charm and your Glamorous arrogance thrilled me In the melancholy winter time (Uncle Bill please give me time) But this war of attrition To prove your world ambition Worries me And you're too concerned with the Weight you want to lose Well if you listen to confusion Long enough it starts to make sense Can you hear me talking to ya? Roly Poly Holy Holy Time is tight Get it right Aren't you lonely? Roly Poly Holy Holy Time is tight Get it right Aren't you lonely? Your fatalist's closet Where blood stained deposits hide deeply Underneath the cusp of Venus fly A terrible beauty You are my dear of Aphrodisiacs and diamonds But your lonely tears trail Your penis envy eyes And now stop worrying about your Weight it looks alright to me dear Can you hear me talking to ya? Roly Poly Holy Holy Time is tight Get it right Aren't you lonely? Roly Poly Holy Holy Time is tight Get it right Aren't you lonely? All your somethings Are turning into nothings As you reach for Something greed inspired And all the hopes that I once held as your Lover Are falling down as My manhood loses fire Your kinship with money A Queen Bee with honey Suits you As you now belong to the ever Changing guard A signpost for progress A fine token lioness Leaves me 'Cause as you say dear I'm just a Face without a card Well if you listen to confusion Long enough it starts to make sense Can you hear me talking to ya? Roly Poly Holy Holy Time is tight Get it right Aren't you lonely? Roly Poly Holy Holy Time is tight Get it right Aren't you lonely?
Новые треки
Все треки
  • To The Beat
  • Beast Mode (Knock You Out)
  • Seek Love (On The Beach)
  • Teka
  • Why Would You Be Loved
  • Мир
    Гио Пика & MIRAVI
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