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Слушать бесплатно Black-Dove (January)

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She was a January girl, she never let on how insane it was, In that tiny kind of scary house, By the woods, by the woods, by the woods, by the woods... By the woods, by the woods, by the woods, by the woods... Black-dove... Black-dove... You're not a helicopter, you're not a cop-out either, honey. Black-dove... Black-dove... You don't need a space ship. They don't know you've already lived... On the other side of the galaxy. The other side of the galaxy. The other side of the galaxy. She had a January world. So many storms not right somehow. How a lion becomes a mouse... By the woods, by the woods, by the woods, by the woods... By the woods, by the woods, by the woods, by the woods... But I have to get to Texas, said I have to get to Texas. And I'll give away my blue, blue dress... blue, blue dress. Black-dove... Black-dove... You're not a helicopter, you're not a cop-out either, honey. Black-dove... Black-dove... You don't need a space ship. They don't know you've already lived... On the other side of the galaxy. The other side of... The other side of the galaxy, heh. But I have to get to Texas (sometime), Said I have to get to Texas (sometime). And I'll give away my blue dress, because cowboy, The snakes- they are my kin, are my kin. Ahay... She has a January girl, she never let on how insane it was.... In that tiny kind of scary house. By the woods, by the woods, by the woods, by the woods... By the woods, by the woods, by the woods, by the woods... By the woods, by the woods, by the woods. Black dove...
  • Give
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  • Crucify
  • Sleeps With Butterflies
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  • Silent All These Years
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  • Sweet The Sting
  • Crucify (Remix)
  • Wild Way
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Все треки
  • Teka
  • To The Beat
  • Why Would You Be Loved
  • Мир
    Гио Пика & MIRAVI
  • Beast Mode (Knock You Out)
  • Seek Love (On The Beach)
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