Текст песни
"Let your spirit fly high let your spirit be free
Dreams are meant to come true so dream as big as you wanna be Remember that love is sacred and happiness is the key
And if you wanna change the world then be the change that you wanna see Make a friend of someone, someone you don't already know
Plant a flower in the ground and watch it grow
Take it easy take it slow
Don't rush through life just let it flow
Let your imagination run wild
See the world through the eyes of a child
I'll tell you what I know, I know the world is round
And when a tree falls in the forest, it has to make a sound
Why can't I believe in God and still believes there's other life ‘Cause I bet one day we'll all look up in the sky and see that light I don't think the world is gonna explode, but its coming to an end It's the day we've all been waiting for to start over again
And until then...
Take it easy take it slow
Don't rush through life just let it flow
Let your imagination run wild
See the world through the eyes of a child
Young boy, young boy don't live too fast you gotta make these days last
Young girl, young girl one day you’re gonna want it back when it's gone and past Old man, old man do you remember when you were young?
Lady, old lady how do you feel now that your life is done?
Did you take it easy, did you take it slow
Did you rush through life or just let it flow
Did you let your imagination run wild
And did you see the world through the eyes of a child
Live again Live again
" Другие треки
Все треки исполнителя
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/40629/album/169592 One Good Thing
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/111/album/154100 Essentials
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/61269/album/149563 Don't Worry (feat. Aloe Blacc) (Otsem Radio Edit)
Don't Worry (Otsem Radio Edit)Mesto feat. Aloe Blacc -
Keep On RisingBig Gigantic & Aloe Blacc -
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/40629/album/147830 All Love Everything (Deluxe)
Paul Oakenfold feat. Aloe Blacc -
Steve Aoki feat. Aloe BlaccТанцевальная музыка
Другие альбомы
Все альбомы исполнителя
Больше каналов
Alcynoos -
218Troubled Girl
Karen Ramirez -
Def Dames Dope -
Steve Torch -
135Hole In My Heart
Jonny Spalding -
527Robin Hood
Fox & Promes
Новые треки
Все треки
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