Текст песни
To the wall-clams the soldier
My last steps march to the death
Last wills! Hell! This is idiotism
Fuck off to me. Fuck off to all of you
To the death - I raise my head
My last moments-it's my existing countdown
A cry for mercy trapped in my throat
But even in hell there's a place for cowards
The burning sun over my head
The troop is comin - commpassion I dismiss
Sentence of death pounding on my back
There's no hiding when you're thrown against the wall
To paradice ,the priest is saying ...
Blessing my death
He's standing in front of me ...
His merciful sight sickens me
He says that soon I'll have my judgement ...
I'll kneel down in front of the Lord
And he asks me to regret my sins ...
But it's too late
Growling words from the bible ...
Raising my agony
Oh God !...
How I'd like to have my hands untied
The wall I'm facing now
Seeing my life going through my eyes
Feeling death behind my back
An acrid taste of defeat tormenting my last years
And when I feel my body behind ... Другие треки
Все треки исполнителя
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/26666/album/74511 Chaos A.D.
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/26666/album/74508 Revolusongs
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/26666/album/66158 Beneath The Remains
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/26666/album/66159 The Roots Of Sepultura
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/26666/album/66158 Beneath The Remains
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/26666/album/66158 Beneath The Remains
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/26666/album/66157 Under Siege (Regnum Irae)
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/26666/album/3631 The Mediator Between Head And Hands Must Be The Heart
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/26666/album/3631 The Mediator Between Head And Hands Must Be The Heart
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/26666/album/3631 The Mediator Between Head And Hands Must Be The Heart
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/26666/album/3631 The Mediator Between Head And Hands Must Be The Heart
https://101.ru/tracklist/artist/26666/album/3631 The Mediator Between Head And Hands Must Be The Heart
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