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Tonight's the night, tonight's the night Tonight's the night, tonight's the night Tonight's the night, tonight's the night Tonight's the night, tonight's the night. Bruce Berry was a working man He used to load that Econoline van. A sparkle was in his eye But his life was in his hands. Well, late at night when the people were gone He used to pick up my guitar And sing a song in a shaky voice That was real as the day was long. Tonight's the night, yes it is, tonight's the night Tonight's the night, yes it is, tonight's the night. Early in the mornin' at the break of day He used to sleep until the afternoon. If you never heard him sing I guess you won't too soon. 'Cause people let me tell you It sent a chill up and down my spine When I picked up the telephone And heard that he'd died out on the mainline. Tonight's the night, tonight's the night Tonight's the night, tonight's the night. Bruce Berry was a working man He used to load that Econoline van. Well, early in the morning at just about the break of day He used to sleep until the afternoon. Tonight's the night, yes it is, tonight's the night Tonight's the night, tonight's the night Tonight's the night, tonight's the night Tonight's the night, tonight's the night.
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