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Слушать бесплатно Tears Of A Clone

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"A room with a hundred men The design of a perfect blend Identical strains of code Dressed up in the fashion mode The air I breathe The blood that moves My heart to mend I cry The tears of a clone The tears of a clone The tears of a clone The tears of a clone The mind of a mannequin The look of the perfect twin This army of confidence Is an army of no defence The air I breathe The blood that moves My heart to mend I cry The tears of a clone The tears of a clone The tears of a clone The tears of a clone The air that I breathe The blood that moves me One broken heart mend The self I defend The air that I breathe The blood that moves me One broken heart mend The self I defend I walk through a no man's land Come lend your creating hand How I crave for identity Come lend me your fantasy The air I breathe The blood that moves My heart to mend I cry The tears of a clone The tears of a clone The tears of a clone The tears of a clone The tears of a clone The tears of a clone The tears of a clone The tears of a clone "
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  • To The Moon
  • Unsure
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