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Слушать бесплатно Tailgate Blues

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"I catch my buzz in the black of night, Where nobody ever goes and the warm wind blows. If I loose my cool in the open and shows, that I'm down and I ain't alright. I search my soul where there is no moon. The trees all cross and are covered in moss. If the crickets wanna know, then I'll tell 'em what I lost. Oh, I've got the tailgate blues. I ain't sure where it all began. Somewhere out here, I know. This bridge was a little more crowded, than I was playing a tailgate show. Now, I'm just sitting here alone. To catch my buzz in the black of night, Where nobody ever goes and the warm wind blows. If I loose my cool in the open and shows, that I'm down and I ain't alright. I search my soul where there is no moon. The trees all cross and are covered in moss. If the crickets wanna know, then I'll tell 'em what I lost. Oh, I've got the tailgate blues. Damn that AM radio, for playing more than a song. My heart won't beat if the strings are broke. The melody's hittin' me wrong. Right here where she belongs. I catch my buzz in the black of night, Where nobody ever goes and the warm wind blows. If I loose my cool in the open and shows, that I'm down and I ain't alright. I search my soul where there is no moon. The trees all cross and are covered in moss. If the crickets wanna know, then I'll tell 'em what I lost. Oh, I've got the tailgate blues. The crickets heard my story. And I listened to them sing. Yes, I closed the tailgate up. Ain't no telling what tomorrow might bring, maybe me and a dixie cup. That won't be enough. Yes, I catch my buzz in the black of night, Where nobody ever goes and the warm wind blows. If I loose my cool in the open and shows, that I'm down and I ain't alright. I search my soul where there is no moon. The trees all cross and are covered in moss. If the crickets wanna know, then I'll tell 'em what I lost. Oh, I've got the tailgate blues. I catch my buzz in the black of night, Where nobody ever goes and the warm wind blows. If I loose my cool in the open and shows, that I'm down and I ain't alright. "
  • Wild Weekend
  • I'm Hungover
  • Cold Beer Drinker
  • If You Ain't Here to Party
  • Shore Thing
  • Love In a College Town
  • In Love With the Girl
  • Little Bit Later On
  • Suntan City
  • Spring Break-Up
  • Shake The Sand
  • Good Looking Girl
Новые треки
Все треки
  • Seek Love (On The Beach)
  • Beast Mode (Knock You Out)
  • Teka
  • To The Beat
  • Why Would You Be Loved
  • Мир
    Гио Пика & MIRAVI
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