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Слушать бесплатно Penelope Please

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I'm seventeen and under the illusion A girl like you could end my confusion Penelope please Penelope please My jeans are not Big enough to hold me So come on girl Don't you try and scold me Penelope please Penelope please You will still be home in time To watch the 'Pops' featuring Chrissie Hynde I know you see me as an aggravation I dream of you in full moon frustration Penelope please Penelope please Don't make me wait But answer with affection So come on girl Look in my direction Penelope please Penelope please You will still be home in time To watch the 'Pops' featuring Chrissie Hynde I know you view me as a major horror But come on babe Don't say sayonara Penelope please Penelope please My head is hard So girl I will continue To plead and beg Baby till I win you Penelope please Penelope please You will still be home in time To watch the 'Pops' featuring Chrissie Hynde At twenty-one I came to this conclusion I married her But still I'm in confusion Penelope please ("Come on babe") ("No!") Penelope please ("No!") Penelope please ("Look you're going to wake up the baby!!!") Penelope please ("No!!!") Waaaaaaah!!!!...
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  • Why Would You Be Loved
  • To The Beat
  • Мир
    Гио Пика & MIRAVI
  • Beast Mode (Knock You Out)
  • Teka
  • Seek Love (On The Beach)
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