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Слушать бесплатно Suddenly (Radio Edit)

Исполнители: & Rebecca
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Текст песни
[Rebecca] Suddenly I'm flying, flying high in the sky I can feel that i can catch the moon The wind Whispers you're gonna be here soon [Arash] Eshghe man, to hamooni ke age baa man bemooni To mitooni, to mitooni, mano be aarezoom beresooni Ey ghorboone khandidanet, ghorboone raghsidanet Na mesle to peyda nemishe, na na na na be khodaa nemishe! [Rebecca] Suddenly I'm flying, flying high in the sky I can feel that i can catch the moon The wind Whispers you're gonna be here soon Suddenly I'm dreaming, I'm walking under the sun As the morning comes and i wake up You are with me and the sun is up [Arash] Mitarsam een dastaat ye kaari bede be dastam! Ey eshghe man joonam fadaat, bezaar bemoonam baahaat Ghorboone range laabaat, beri babaa mimiram baraat! Az daste man hey dar naro, hey hey invaro oonvar naro Baba divoone misham naro, na na na na az pisham naro! [Rebecca] Suddenly I'm flying, flying high in the sky I can feel that i can catch the moon The wind Whispers you're gonna be here soon Suddenly I'm dreaming, I'm walking under the sun As the morning comes and i wake up You are with me and the sun is up Suddenly I'm flying, flying high in the sky I can feel that i can catch the moon The wind Whispers you're gonna be here soon Suddenly I'm dreaming, I'm walking under the sun As the morning comes and i wake up You are with me and the sun is up Suddenly I'm flying, flying high in the sky I can feel that i can catch the moon The wind Whispers you're gonna be here soon Suddenly I'm dreaming, I'm walking under the sun As the morning comes and i wake up You are with me and the sun is up [Arash] Mitarsam een dastaat ye kaari bede be dastam!
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