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"I never knew life could be this way Life without you I never knew life could be this strange Like a sky that isn't blue I know you're still here I know you still care I know you follow me places only you and I would share You know you're my love Know that I always cared I may have been away without you But my heart was always here Never forget I never left Always there in the shadows Hard to believe Because you couldn't see Always there when I mattered I'm still here I never meant to fall this way So much to sacrifice I never thought life would pass away And at such a high price Feel we're still one That love hasn't gone I sense everything about you Around me when I'm alone Know that you'll always be Deep in the heart of me No matter where I am today You'll always be a part of me Never forget I never left Always there in the shadows Hard to believe Because you couldn't see Always there when I mattered I'm still here "
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