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"I watch the sunrays always Dancing on the clouds I share that feeling healing Deep inside my heart But when the night falls crew calls Bells ring in the dome You'll hear me whisper softly Salome come home Life is fantastic drastic Charming wide appeal Life can be magic tragic But always comes for real Go through the motion notion Spend your life alone But don't destroy your chances Salome come home I want to feel you Help you carry on Come let me heal you Salome come home Salome come home Salome come home I write you a letter Better tell you how I feel Why stay so lonely Only to keep your life surreal You may escape your homeground Go down on your own To concrete jungle drum sounds Salome came home I called the monastery Asked to hear your voice I've seen your new sun fairy But gurus leave no choice So put the past behind you It's time to let things go And take your dearest nearest Salome come home I want to feel you Help you carry one Come let me heal you Salome come home Salome come home Salome come home I watch the sunrays always Dancing on the clouds I share that feeling healing Deep inside my heart But when the night falls crew calls Bells ring in the dome You'll hear me whisper softly Salome come home Life is fantastic drastic Charming wide appeal Life can be magic tragic But always comes for real Go through the motion notion Spend your life alone But don't destroy your chances Salome come home Salome come home Salome come home Salome come home Salome come home "
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