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"We've come from all Across the universe In hedonistic bliss The gates of paradise are openwide In transmetropolis We've come from all Across the universe In hedonistic bliss The gates of paradise are openwide In transmetropolis Stand up and shout In hedonistic bliss We celebrate the dawn Of transmetropolis Stand up and shout In hedonistic bliss We celebrate the dawn Of transmetropolis We've come from all Across the universe In hedonistic bliss The gates of paradise are openwide In transmetropolis Stand up and shout In hedonistic bliss We celebrate the dawn Of transmetropolis Transmetropol Transmetropolis Transmetropol Transmetropolis We've come from all Across the universe In hedonistic bliss The gates of paradise are openwide In transmetropolis We've come from all Across the universe In hedonistic bliss The gates of paradise are openwide In transmetropolis Stand up and shout In hedonistic bliss We celebrate the dawn Of transmetropolis We've come from all Across the universe In hedonistic bliss The gates of paradise are openwide In transmetropolis We've come from all Across the universe In hedonistic bliss The gates of paradise are openwide In transmetropolis We've come from all Across the universe In hedonistic bliss The gates of paradise are openwide In transmetropolis "
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