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"Why Don't You Love Me (H. Williams) Little Richard - vocal 'Dressed To Kill' Charly Records, U.K. DTKBOX81 (1997) Why don't you love me like you used to do? Why do you treat me like a worn out shoe? My hair's curly and my heart is still true A why don't you love me like you used to do? Ain't had no huggin' and a kissin' Squeezin' and I don't know why I can't get near her, ho-oh Closer than a country mile I said why don't you spark me Like you used to do And say sweet nothin's Like you used to do The same old trouble That you always been through So why don't you love me Like you used to do? Ain't had no huggin' and a kissin' Squeezin' and I don't know why I can't get near her, ho-oh Closer than a country mile Ain't had no huggin' and a kissin' Squeezin' and I don't know why I can't get near her, oh-ho Closer than a country mile I say why don't you please Just like you used to be? How come you find So many faults with me? Somebody changed Let me give you a clue Why don't you love me Like you used to do? Ain't had no huggin' and a kissin' wooo! Don't know why I can't get near her, oh-no Closer than a country mile I say, why don't you love me Like you used to do? Why do you treat me like a worn out shoe? My hair is curly and my heart is still true Why don't you love me Like you used to do? Ain't had no huggin' and a kissin' wooo! I don't know why I can't get near her whoa-ho Closer than a country mile A why don't you love me Like you used to do? How come you treat me like a worn out shoe? My hair is curly and my heart is still true A why don't you love me like you used to do? Ain't no had no huggin' or a kissin' wooo I don't know why I can't get near her, whoa-ho Closer than a country miiiiiile I said, why don't you love me Like you used to do? How come you find so many faults with me? Somebody changed A let me give you a clue Why don't you love me Like you used to do? FADES- Ain't had no huggin' or a kissin' wooo An I don't know why I can't get near her, whoa-oh Closer than a country mile I said why don't you love me like you used to do. ~ "
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