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Come and say hello In my shadow nature there's a private room Where I keep my fear Every now and then never knowing when I have to disappear Slaying my dragons by trying to love them Let's suspend some time together Let's reduce our gravity And remind ourselves of rainbows And make love convincingly Since we're parking in each other's spaces Would you visit me in my dark places? Would you come and help me bring it into the light? Would you visit me in my dark places? Would you help me burn a candle into the night? Come and say hello In the belly of my superstitions are many souvenirs From my travels through my psyches underworld Where I disappear Slaying my dragons by trying to love them Let's commit our souls to silver Let's commit our hearts to gold And remember in every moment That we have ourselves to hold Since we're laughing in each other's faces Would you visit me in my dark places? Would you come and help me bring it into the light? Would you visit me in my dark places? Would you help me burn a candle into the night? Come and say hello Let's suspend some time together Let's reduce our gravity And remind ourselves of rainbows And make love convincingly MY DARK PLACES (2) Since we're living in each other's graces And we're travelling at each other's paces Would you visit me in my dark places? Would you come and help me bring it into the light? Would you visit me in my dark places? Would you help me burn a candle into the night? Come and say hello
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Все треки
  • Мир
    Гио Пика & MIRAVI
  • Why Would You Be Loved
  • Seek Love (On The Beach)
  • To The Beat
  • Beast Mode (Knock You Out)
  • Teka
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