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The cradle of my desire Is at your command What's in a name Shalom? Segue to my street and In the middle of it say hello In the fragrance of your peace A blossom falls And my memory remembers An angel call What's in a name Shalom Segue to my street and In the middle of it say hello On the trail of where a kiss leads to I breathe a sigh Invisible voices say hello And then goodbye Maybe she'll come back Maybe she'll come back home What's in a name Shalom? Segue to my street and In the middle of it say hello And on Dovetail Junction is a caravan Where the cradle of my desire is At your command Maybe she'll come back Maybe she'll come back home What's in a name Shalom? Segue to my street and In the middle of it say hello In the fragrance of your peace A blossom falls And my memory remembers An angel call The well of loneliness is wet with tears As a canopy of clouds steals The limelight from the stars
Новые треки
Все треки
  • To The Beat
  • Why Would You Be Loved
  • Beast Mode (Knock You Out)
  • Teka
  • Seek Love (On The Beach)
  • Мир
    Гио Пика & MIRAVI
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