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Слушать бесплатно Goodbye Diane

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Once upon a time I said some pretty fucked up things If ignorance is blissful then knowledge has made me wistful Once upon a time I stayed within your dotted line But you would never swallow that I was never born to follow So goodbye Diane I really hope that you will understand Once upon a time I scored from the baseline off the glass The coach instead of praising me said I should have made the pass Once upon a time I ran with your lions in the field My lamb was getting trampled but now his bleats are getting sampled So goodbye Diane I really hope that you will understand Mamaraja where`d you go? Lovely Sutralinga Prometheus is getting cold And old To avoid confusion I lean into a waterfall Listening to temptation Negotiate a movie deal For a steal Once upon a time I heard some pretty ugly lies Said against my brother `twas a shame it was our mother So goodbye Diane I really hope that you will understand Bye bye Baby
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  • Psycho Killer
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