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Слушать бесплатно Bonanzoid Deathgrip

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"Bonanzoid Deathgrip I'm not eager to achieve your life skills. So, I slow down and scratch the itch between my chin and nose. We're melting at sea. We're melting at sea. Why do you take everything I say the wrong way? i've built a black hearted girl without any soul or life inside, so I can settle down with what a stranger would call my soul mate. We're melting at sea. We're melting at sea. Why do you take everything I say the wrong way? why do you take everything I say the wrong way? Vacate the vacancy. Stroll through the mystery bazaar. To all concerned: find a gun, find a reason; help us come undone. To all concerned: focus your anger and stop feasting like a fucking animal. Vampires: they make their money at the blood bonanza. Vampires: they make their money at the blood bonanza. Disengage the deathgrip; it's a risk worth taking. So, you lay there like a dying worm; brains all gone. Disslocate and suffer. Fed up of choking on worthless blood, she's like a fucking crippled animal. Vampires: they make their money at the blood bonanza. Vampires: they make their money at the blood bonanza. Vampires: they make their money at the blood bonanza. Vampires: they make their money at the blood bonanza. "
  • Instant History
  • End Of
  • The Modern Leper
    Альтернативный рок
  • Machines
    Альтернативный рок
  • Many Of Horror
  • Umbrella (Rihanna Cover)
  • Mountains
  • Bubbles
  • Flammable
  • Don't, Won't, Can't
  • Animal Style
  • Wolves of Winter
Новые треки
Все треки
  • To The Beat
  • Teka
  • Why Would You Be Loved
  • Beast Mode (Knock You Out)
  • Мир
    Гио Пика & MIRAVI
  • Seek Love (On The Beach)
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