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This is a story about a girl named Lucky… Early morning, she wakes up Knock, knock, knock on the door It's time for makeup, perfect smile It's you they're all waiting for They go… "Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?" And they say… Chorus: She's so lucky, she's a star But she cries, cries, cries in her lonely heart, thinking If there's nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears come at night Lost in an image, in a dream But there's no one there to wake her up And the world is spinning, and she keeps on winning But tell me what happens when it stops? They go… "Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?" And they say… Chorus: She's so lucky, she's a star But she cries, cries, cries in her lonely heart, thinking If there's nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears come at night "Best actress, and the winner is…Lucky!" "I'm Roger Johnson for Pop News standing outside the arena waiting for Lucky" "Oh my god…here she comes!" Isn't she lucky, this Hollywood girl? She is so lucky, but why does she cry? If there's nothing missing in her life Why do tears come at night? Chorus: She's so lucky, she's a star But she cries, cries, cries in her lonely heart, thinking If there's nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears come at night
  • Womanizer
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  • Hold Me Closer
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  • Toxic (Petrick Remix)
  • Break The Ice
  • Circus
  • Womanizer
  • Toxic
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  • Oops!...I Did It Again
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  • Gimme More (Main Version)
  • Matches
  • Mood Ring (By Demand) (Pride Remix)
  • Mood Ring
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  • Мир
    Гио Пика & MIRAVI
  • To The Beat
  • Seek Love (On The Beach)
  • Beast Mode (Knock You Out)
  • Teka
  • Why Would You Be Loved
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