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Слушать бесплатно Go On Home

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"Did you crawl out from the ashes Just to see that holy light? Did the devil make you do it? Did he teach you wrong from right? Why don't you go on home? Why don't you go on home? Why don't you go on home? Why don't you go on home? Gonna say it again Gonna say it again Gonna say it again Did you crawl out from the ashes Just to see that holy light? And did the devil make you do it? Was your freedom justified? Why don't you go on home? Why don't you go on home? Why don't you go on home? Why don't you go on home? Gonna say it again Gonna say it again Gonna say it again Gonna say it Did you crawl out from the ashes Just to see that holy light? Did that old devil make you do it? Was your freedom justified? Why don't you go on home? Why don't you go on home? Why don't you go on home? Why don't you go on home? Go on home Did you crawl out from the ashes Just to see that holy light? And did the devil make you do it? Was your freedom justified? Why don't you go on home? Why don't you go on home? Why don't you go on home? Why don't you go on home? Why don't you go on? Gonna say it again Gonna say it again Gonna say it again Gonna say it again Gonna say it again Gonna say it again Gonna say it again Gonna say it again Gonna say it again Gonna say it again Gonna say it again Gonna say it again Gonna say it again Gonna say it again Why don't you go on home? Why don't you go on home? Why don't you go on? Why don't you go on? Why don't you go on? Why won't you? Why won't you? Why won't you? Why don't you? Why don't you? Why don't you? Why don't you? Why don't you? Why don't you? Why don't you? Why don't you? Why don't you? "
  • The Prophet
  • The Messiah Will Come Again
  • The Loner (Remastered 2002)
  • Spanish Guitar (Instrumental)
  • Blues For Narada
  • One Day
  • Nothing's The Same
  • The Messiah Will Come Again(Live Concert)
  • Still Got The Blues (Live Concert)
  • Midnight Blues(Live Concert)
  • Need Your Love So Bad (Edit)
  • Oh Pretty Woman
    feat. Albert King
Новые треки
Все треки
  • Seek Love (On The Beach)
  • To The Beat
  • Beast Mode (Knock You Out)
  • Мир
    Гио Пика & MIRAVI
  • Teka
  • Why Would You Be Loved
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