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"I'm here, alone Always staring up at the ceiling Like it's gonna tell me how you feel The life i planned for me Used to be so appealing then But now i know i wanna keep it real I've been standing here With one foot in a fairy tale Now i'm opening up to tell you From love to pain, and back again Here's my invitation to you now It's you i miss The question is Can you be the hero in my world? And come back again Forgive the past and believe That i used be scared of love But i've decided not to be afraid I've been standing here With one foot in a fairy tale Now i'm opening up to tell you From love to pain, and back again Here's my invitation to you now It's you i miss The question is Can you be the hero in my worl? And come back again So many things to say But i just need the answers So put your arms around me baby We can start here I'm praying that you take this invitation I'm opening up to tell you From love to pain, and back again Here's my invitation to you now It's you i miss The question is Can you be the hero in my world? And come back again "
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    & Kylie Cantrall
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  • Sacrifice Tomorrow
  • Мир
    Гио Пика, MIRAVI
  • To The Moon
  • Miles on It
  • Я подарю тебе всё
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