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Слушать бесплатно Everybody Changes Underwater

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Текст песни
"It's dark and silent Where am I? Love surrounds my body My eyes are closed, but I see Colors have soothed the soul Moving as part of this world Taking it to ...floor Diving deeper, backened by dolphins They appear and dance around me Brushing against my skin, tickling I swim closer, speaking of thoughts ...are friendly Where I stand It's safe beneath the waves Is this real Is this real *Everybody changes underwater Everybody changes underwater Everybody changes underwater I come up for air I just want to prove everything is new ...seems to cool And fill the water to a garden Fruit ...from the trees I reach up and take it It's ripe, soft, and sweet I feel there's a long grass I run my fingers through the blades Umm...feel inside me I lie back closing my eyes The song soothes me I begin to float, floating higher and higher Higher and higher *Repeat Everybody changes underwater There's no darkness Looking down, the world is ... If I fall, no one will catch me Space, everywhere I once and ...all Floating in the small part of the endless universe I feel glowing starts, Poseidon and ... Someone to ... A finding light appears So it's a life I recognize You reach out your hands And welcome me like angels Is this real? Is this real? "
Новые треки
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  • Teka
  • Seek Love (On The Beach)
  • To The Beat
  • Beast Mode (Knock You Out)
  • Why Would You Be Loved
  • Мир
    Гио Пика & MIRAVI
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