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Powers of today so pretty darnn confused Giving everybody in the world the blues Food is getting high and the fuel is getting low The rich are getting richer And the poor are getting poor People say, people say Have I got a right to live People say, people say Have I got a right to live People say, people say (What the people say) (What the people) Have your share and my share And your share is my share too Your eyes are blind folded And your mind controlled What the powers do to you Destruction is in the air, oh yeah And when is it going to quit Somebody end the madness Gettin' sick and tired of it People say, people say Have I got a right to live People say, people say Have I got a right to live People say, people say (What the people say) (What the people) (What the people say) (What the people say) (What the people say) (What the people say) (What the people say) You gotta listen to 'em (What the people say) Robbing and they're stealing And they're breaking in your home It's getting a little dangerous To walk the street alone Somebody better get on the case Real thing (Real Thing) And you got no time to waste People say, people say Have I got a right to live People say, people say Have I got a right to live People say, people say (What the people say) (What the people)
  • Cissy Strut
  • Just Kissed My Baby
  • Cissy Strut
  • Handclapping Song
  • Come Together
Новые треки
Все треки
  • To The Beat
  • Beast Mode (Knock You Out)
  • Teka
  • Why Would You Be Loved
  • Seek Love (On The Beach)
  • Мир
    Гио Пика & MIRAVI
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