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"Why can't I be on my own Just me and the world alone Oh why can't I be on my own Just me and the world alone Oh why is the world filled with people It makes for a painful life You'll disappoint me if you don't disappoint me Come and dance with the tip of my knife Why is the night filled with laughter At expense of the sickest of jokes While the world is a blot and it's cistern's fill up On the dross and the shit we call folks Why can't I be on my own Just me and the world alone Why can't I be on my own Just me and the world alone Oh why is the world filled with the people They snear and they snide and they moan And the way I am now it seems I am one of them Having grudges of my own And why is this street a-crawling with cockroaches Insects with two arms, two legs Leaving their stink and their filth and their debris I'll break all their faces like eggs Why can't I be on my own Just me and the world alone Why can't I be on my own Just me and the world alone Why can't I be on my own Just me and the world alone Why can't I be on my own Just me and the world alone Oh why is the world filled with people A-choking the air with their breath Grunting like hogs in the sludge and the sewerage Cringing from wonderful death Oh why do my ears have to ring with their bantering Bitching and ignorant words Giving me aches with pathetic opinion People, it's fact, are insufferable turds Why can't I be on my own Just me and the world alone Why can't I be on my own Just me and the world alone Oh why can't I be on my own Just me and the world alone Oh why can't I be on my own Just me and the world alone And I can't bear the little creeps That tell me they hate my hair They're always incredibly ugly If they dropped dead tomorrow I wouldn't care They feel that they have to comment Have to put up with their penneth-worth They're sick, hypocritical, mincing, unwitty Not worth a spit in the dirt They're not worth a spit in the dirt They're not worth a spit in the dirt Oh why can't I be on my own Just me and the world alone Oh why can't I be on my own Just me and the world alone "
Смотреть клип «Marc Almond - A world full of people»
  • My Death (Jacques Brel)
  • Marc Mix - Smoke & Mirrors
    Marc Mix - Smoke & Mirrors
    Starcluster feat.
  • Please Stay (Röyksopp Remix)
    Please Stay (Röyksopp Remix)
    Mekon feat.
  • A Lover Spurned
    feat. Julie T. Wallace
  • Xummertime
  • Jerusalem
  • Poor Henry
  • Black Widow
  • The Vampire Of Highgate
  • Dark Angel
  • To The Crow The Spoils
  • The Labyrinth of Limehouse
Новые треки
Все треки
  • Seek Love (On The Beach)
  • Мир
    Гио Пика & MIRAVI
  • Teka
  • To The Beat
  • Beast Mode (Knock You Out)
  • Why Would You Be Loved
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