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Слушать бесплатно China Love

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Текст песни
"The energy I see, the silence that you speak The lust within my dreams and what it says to me This full heart of mine, you just can't empty So come and lay with me, China love How pleasant life will be? China love As the sun retires, our love will transpire Make love to me, China love I see the sunshine when I look into your eyes They speak of worlds gone by, we loved another time My heart was empty till you came to be So come and lay with me, China love How pleasant life would be? China love As the sun retires, our love will transpire Make love to me, China love So come and lay with me, China love How pleasant life would be? China love As the sun retires, our love will transpire So come and lay with me, China love How pleasant life would be? China love As the sun retires, our love will transpire Make love to me, China love Make love to me, China love Make love to me, China love "
Новые треки
Все треки
  • Beast Mode (Knock You Out)
  • Seek Love (On The Beach)
  • To The Beat
  • Teka
  • Why Would You Be Loved
  • Мир
    Гио Пика & MIRAVI
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