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Слушать бесплатно Nickels And Dimes

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"(Dolly Parton/Floyd Parton) I used to stand on a corner when I was a child And I'd play my guitar and sing as the people went by The sidewalks were crowded but I'd just sing louder cause I didn't mind Just spending my time, spinning my rhymes and singing for nickels and dimes Nickels and dimes a song at a time for nickels and dimes I'd brighten their day as they go on their way and they'd brighten mine A sidewalk rehearsal for dreams that I held in my mind I knew that someday in my own special I'd repay all their nickels and dimes I recall the sidewalk each night as I stand on the stage As I play my guitar and sing for the people who paid Cause I finally made it to what they all call the big time But I still remember I still owe some nickels and dimes Nickels and dimes a song at a time for nickels and dimes A sidewalk rehearsal for dreams that I held in my mind So if you remember a child on the corner of time You'll know that I wrote this to repay your nickels and dimes Nickels and dimes a song at a time for nickels and dimes A sidewalk rehearsal for dreams that I held in my mind So if you remember a child on a corner of time You'll know that I wrote this to repay your nickels and dimes Nickels and dimes a song at a time for nickels and dimes A sidewalk rehearsal for dreams that I held in my mind So if you remember a child on a corner of time You'll know that I wrote this to repay your nickels and dimes "
  • Rainbowland
  • Big Dreams and Faded Jeans
  • Pure and Simple
  • A Friend Like You
  • I Will Always Love You
  • I Will Always Love You
  • Faith (Elliot Fitch Remix)
  • Faith (John Dahlbäck Remix)
  • Faith (Galantis & Bali Bandits VIP Mix)
  • Faith (Jewelz & Sparks Remix)
  • Faith
  • Baby, It's Cold Outside
Новые треки
Все треки
  • To The Beat
  • Beast Mode (Knock You Out)
  • Мир
    Гио Пика & MIRAVI
  • Seek Love (On The Beach)
  • Teka
  • Why Would You Be Loved
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