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"There is a place where the sun's always glowing Take me there, won't you take me there Meadows grow green near the streams gently flowing Take me there, won't you take me there A city of riches beyond comprehension Take me there, won't you take me there Streets are of gold, gates of pearl, brilliant mansions Take me there, won't you take me there Chorus: Take me and show me this rare place you speak of Take me there, won't you take me there To this land of plenty where there is complete love Take me there, won't you take me there At the foot of the throne the kingdom rejoices Take me there, won't you take me there The angels are singing His praise with their voices Hallelujah, hallelujah take me there Peace, joy and love linger on through the ages Take me there, won't you take me there Lambs lay with lions and lions with babies Take me there, won't you take me there Take me and show me this rare place you speak of Take me there, won't you take me there To this land of plenty where there is complete love Take me there, I can't take you there But there is a church where they teach all about it Take me there, won't you take me there There is a book we must not be without it Take me there, I will read with you there There is an altar where sins are forgiven Take me there, yes I'll kneel with you there We'll find there the God of Eternal Living Take me there, He will take you there There is no sorrow and no heartache there There is no crying and no dying there Won't you take me there, won't you take me there Hallelujah won't you take me there "
  • Rainbowland
  • Big Dreams and Faded Jeans
  • Pure and Simple
  • A Friend Like You
  • I Will Always Love You
  • I Will Always Love You
  • Faith (Elliot Fitch Remix)
  • Faith (John Dahlbäck Remix)
  • Faith (Galantis & Bali Bandits VIP Mix)
  • Faith (Jewelz & Sparks Remix)
  • Faith
  • Baby, It's Cold Outside
Новые треки
Все треки
  • Seek Love (On The Beach)
  • Teka
  • Why Would You Be Loved
  • To The Beat
  • Beast Mode (Knock You Out)
  • Мир
    Гио Пика & MIRAVI
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